On the forefront of individualized services in NJ, we've introduced a Self-Direction Program allowing persons and their families to tailor supports to their specific needs. We use a person-centered planning model to get to know what's working/not working in a person's life and build a circle of support around them to ensure they dictate each and every day of their lives. Working this closely with each family, we undoubtedly create a working relationship and are able to assist families with additional or flexible needs.
Each individual supported has their own support staff for the day; they interview and choose their own support staff with our Arc team. Individuals can choose to have the same support staff each week or have multiple on a rotating schedule; it all comes down to which option works best for the person supported.
Each individual designs their daily schedule of activities and generally moves about the community depending on that schedule. While friends do meet up at our day centers to play games or share lunch with peers at our main office, this option does not restrict a person to one place; a program can be any venue.
Choose from endless community activities; geared towards recreation or education. Choose to volunteer, find gainful employment, plan vacations, search out special events, or utilize the peer-made activities calendar each month that's full of baseball games, aquariums, lunch dates, and seasonal festive celebrations.